N55k books for pre-kindergarten? – Nigerian woman reacts after receiving list of fees from a school

April 20th, 2024

What a joke!!. A little less than N1m for a 3/4 year old child in a kindergarten class? What the hell are they going to teach the child, who is likely to use the time in school daily to eat, play with toys and sleep, in no particular order.? Tuition -N432k, Books 55k, and 300k for a phantom Development Levy. These private schools are shylocks and exploiters, pretending to be classy and elitist, yet they can’t deliver on all the luxuries they’re forcing the gullible parents to pay for. There’s no reason why an all inclusive fees for a child in the kindergarten class, including standard meals and school bus pickup to and fro should be more than 150k per term. The poster should note that the 300k Development levy, is not for the development of the child, but most likely the development of school infrastructure like purchase of computers, developmental teaching aids and modern audio visual equipment etc, to mention a few. But why should prospective parents be made to bear that expenditure? Totally wrong. I’ll never pay that.

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